OPEN Fri-Sat-Sun, June 14, 15, & 16, 2024 for U-Pick Freestone Peaches, Thornless Blackberries, Veggies and flowers! 7:30 am-1:00pm. PEACHES MAY ONLY BE PICKED FROM TREES WITH PINK FLAGGING TAPE (see photos). Trees without flagging tape have unripe fruit, so please don't touch the unripe fruit as that causes disease to occur where it was touched. The farmers have worked incredibly hard to bring this peach-picking experience to you, and your respect for the trees will help ensure the continuation of this activity. These trees are tediously pruned as living sculptures in order to facilitate their production, so thank you for not allowing children to eat or abuse the fruit, shake or climb the trees, or hang from or pull down the branches. Some blackberries are still ripe for picking, so look high, low and under the leaves. Peaches and Blackberries are the ONLY fruit available for U-Pick at this time. Figs and other fruits not ready yet! U-Pick vegs include tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, cucumbers, squash and more. FOR SALE IN MARKET: Pre-picked peaches, some veggies, and homemade preserves. Pickers must check in before 12:30pm and weigh/pay by our 1:00pm sharp closing time. Prices: Entry $3, U-Pick Fruit $7/lb., U-Pick Veg $3/lb., Zinnias $3/cup, Sunflowers $1/stem. Picking Box $3 or bring your own and put a plastic bag inside for removal when weighing. PLEASE BRING CLIPPERS FOR CUTTING FLOWERS AND EGGPLANT. This farm is our livelihood, and EVERY OUNCE COUNTS, so please pick, weigh and pay BEFORE EATING PRODUCE. Always visit before your drive out to be sure we are not picked out or rained out. Comments are closed.
September 2024
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